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+44 (0) 77 15 56 69 19


Leader-Leader Programme

A 3 stage approach in building and sustaining a high performing team.

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What you get

  • Each team receives 3-4 months of CCL dedicated support in building a high performing team
  • A Leader, over time, can lift their head from the day to day running to think more strategically whilst the team are empowered to deliver their objectives
  • Ownership & accountability within the team with a strategic map of on a single page 3 distinct stages: Understand-Develop-Sustain. To this so the knowledge and skills delivered in each stage are embedded and sustainable
  • A psychometric report for all team members and dedicated analysis of that report along with a 360 report at stage 3 for the whole team
  • An understanding of each team members individual needs and how they can support each other

What it supports

  • Stage 1 - Understand - understand the importance of trust and how to embed this within the team. We also identify what each other’s needs are through the CCL unique methodology including their personalised profile feedback
  • Stage 2 - Develop - Trust will have grown, and a new operating rhythm will be well underway. We now introduce the importance of structured feedback, healthy conflict, and accountability within the team. By this stage, we would expect the leader to have capacity to think strategically and the team to have ownership of the day-to-day activity
  • Stage 3 - Sustain - We now build on commitment and team results. To do this takes elements of prioritisation, resilience and being change ready, with a growth mindset. We would expect the leader to have implemented strategic results, delivered at a the level above

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Contact details

85 Great Portland Street,

+44 (0) 77 15 56 69 19

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