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+44 (0) 77 15 56 69 19


What makes us different?

Mindset Excellence

Stress, burnout, mental fatigue, anxiety; these conditions have become a widely .
acceptable side effect of today’s fast-paced, corporate environment.

We believe this is wrong.

With decades of experience in the most demanding corporate and military situations, we know that consistently maintaining
mental balance, motivation and drive is achievable.


Our methodology has been proven to work in the modern corporate environment. We drive cultural change and help your employees reshape
the way they think, behave and evolve.


Our approach helps you create the right conditions to maximize their potential, help people cope more easily with life’s many uncertainties, create a
resilient mind-set, and let them flourish at work, at home, and in their communities.


Mental health and mental well-being are subconsciously – and not only – embedded into all of our engagements.
CCL have been selected to be part of the global committee designing the new International Standard 45003 for ISO (International Organization for Standardization):
Occupational Health and Safety Management, to be released in 2021.

CCL work with organisations to help them embed the right policies and procedures to make the workplace one that thrives. Our trained specialists
deliver the required qualifications to those within the organisation who are best placed to be ambassadors. We have vast amounts of experience delivering
in the virtual and/or face to face environments and engagements are aligned with awarding governing bodies with recognised accreditation.


We believe that senior leaders in an organization are not necessarily the right persons to connect with their colleagues on such sensitive topics.
Although the buy-in has to start from the top, it’s those that have the capacity as well as the connection with many employees that are best placed to deliver
messages effectively, timely and empathically.


It is our mission to jointly identify those individuals and help them become the best ambassadors for their colleagues, playing a pivotal role in supporting them
around such pressing issues as mental health and well-being.

Contact us for a consultation – we would be happy to help you discover how your employee performance
and well-being can transition from good to excellent with Coaching Centred Leadership.

Contact us