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CCLCases studies Supporting tomorrow’s leadership at a global bank

Supporting tomorrow’s leadership at a global bank

A new people development programme was required to help with employees’ career progression.

The question within the company was clear: how can we offer support to our employees? What are their development needs?

Following on from an internal leadership programme, each employee was asked the same question: “what training opportunities should come next?”  Ideas were consolidated, and these formed the foundation for the development of new training sessions.

– Resilience

– Emotional Intelligence

– Work/Life Balance

– Managing Change

– Team Belonging

– Building Lasting Trust

– Mental Health – signs and symptoms

– How to Build High Performing Teams. 

These programmes were developed in record time, and the uptake was excellent. While each workshop was different, all had an underlining theme around Mental Wellbeing. Employees were empowered to express their views on what training they felt was relevant to their needs, rather than the experience being prescriptive and driven by the company.  Those who attended the workshops shared their experiences to colleagues across the business, which resulted in the sessions being continued and expanded to over 300 members of staff.